Willig, Williams & Davidson’s labor law attorneys are experienced in the myriad legal issues surrounding union trusteeships. Union trusteeships are heavily-regulated, must be imposed in accordance with the governing union’s constitution and by-laws, and are subject to significant legal requirements under the LMRDA.
Union trusteeships are normally established in cases where subordinate unions have or are alleged to have significant operational or financial problems, or in order to restore democratic procedures. Given the extraordinary nature of the remedy, and the stakes at hand, union trusteeships are almost always accompanied by internal union and external federal litigation.
Willig, Williams & Davidson labor lawyers are experienced and well suited to address concerns related to union trusteeships. Our attorneys have litigated to defend against meritless trusteeships, and conversely, to secure implementation of trusteeships in the best interests of the members. Our firm has worked on behalf of international and local unions to assist trustees in the administration of their responsibilities. And we have also worked to help local unions exit trusteeship and return governance of their unions to their local membership.