For more than 25 years, Amy Rosenberger has made a difference in the lives of others by representing labor unions and employees. Amy serves as a trusted advisor to a diverse list of unions representing employees in government service, K through 12 and higher education, transportation, health care, and more. She stands up for working people and their unions in arbitration and litigation, in organizing drives and collective action, by seeking fair contracts at the bargaining table, and by imparting the knowledge and skills workers need to confidently stand toe-to-toe with employer representatives.

Amy provides strategic advice to unions on day-to-day labor-management issues, helping clients navigate changes in the legal landscape, as well as counseling employees and union representatives regarding employment disputes and their rights under the law. Whether interviewing a witness about a sensitive topic, taking a deposition, or delivering difficult advice to a client, Amy is relatable and reliable. Clients depend on Amy to listen and communicate, understand and empathize, interact respectfully, and manage conflict.

As a workers’ and labor law advocate, Amy has dedicated time volunteering with myriad organizations including the Philadelphia chapter of Labor and Employment Relations Association and the AFL-CIO. She is a noted authority on collective bargaining rights of public and private sector employees. She has served as a speaker and instructor on a variety of topics for the American Bar Association, the Pennsylvania Bar Institute, the American Arbitration Association, the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board and Bureau of Mediation, the AFL-CIO Lawyers Coordinating Committee, the Labor and Employment Research Association, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and many other organizations. Amy conducts seminars and training sessions for unions throughout Pennsylvania, addressing subjects such as grievance and interest arbitrations, collective bargaining, fair representation, the Family and Medical Leave Act and unfair labor practices.
"I was raised in a family and culture in which service to others is a defining value. I am inspired every day by being part of a team of clients and colleagues, each doing their part to improve the lives of workers and their families.”
"My favorite way to unwind is by getting back to my farm-family roots, in my big vegetable garden. I also enjoy traveling, especially visiting any of our National Parks."